1) Yunfeng He. (1998). The relationships between critical and creative thinking. (Lun Pi Pan Xing Si Wei Ji Qi Yu Chuang zao Xing Si Wei Zhi Jian De Xiang Hu Guan Xi). Hangzhou, China: Journal of Zhejiang Public Administration College, No. 5.
2) Yunfeng He. (2000). On critical thinking. (Lun Pi Pan Xing Si Wei). Changchun, China: Journal of Social Sciences Studies, No. 6.
3) Yuchuan Yang, Shujie Zheng, Richang Zheng, Xinyin Chen, Yunfeng He. (2002). Children¡¯s peer group selection and socialization. Child Development and Education, 2, 44-48.
4) Yunfeng He, Jing Li, Xiancheng Feng. (2003). Understanding Chinese Mentality. (Zhong Guo Ren De Xin Tai Li Cheng). Beijing, China: Science Press.
5) Xinyin Chen, Lei Chang, and Yunfeng He. (2003). The peer group as a context: Mediating and moderating effects on relations between academic achievement and social functioning in Chinese children. Child Development. 74(3), 710-727. Impact factor in 2002 was 3.272.
6) Miantao Sun, Hong Fu, and Yunfeng He (eds.). (2003). Research Studies in Education £¨Volume 1 - 2003£©. Hong Kong: Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.
7) Yuchuan Yang, Shujie Zhen, Xinyin Chen, Lei Chang, Yunfeng He. (2003). Academic achievement and social functioning: The moderating effects of peer group in Chinese children. (Tong Ban tuan Ti dui Er Tong Qing Shao nian Xue Ye Cheng Jiu He She Hui Gong Neng Guan Xi De Ying Xiang). Beijing, China: Psychological Inquiries, 2, 45-50.
8) Li-fang Zhang and Yunfeng He. (2004). Do thinking styles matter in the use of and attitudes toward computing and information technology among Hong Kong university students? Journal of Educational Computing Research, 29(4), 471-493. Impact factor in 2001 was .125.
9) Chen, Xinyin; He, Yunfeng; De Oliveira, Ana Maria; Lo Coco, Alida; Zappulla, Carla; Kaspar, Violet; Schneider, Barry; Valdivia, Ibis Alvarez; Tse, Hennis Chi-Hang; DeSouza, Amanda. (2004). Loneliness and social adaptation in Brazilian, Canadian, Chinese and Italian children: A multi-national comparative study. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry. Vol 45(8), Nov 2004, pp. 1373-1384. £¨Impact factor in 2004 was 2.782£©
10) Chen, Xinyin; He, Yunfeng; Li, Dan. (2004). Self-perceptions of Social Competence and Self-worth in Chinese Children: Relations with Social and School Performance. Social Development. Vol 13(4), Nov 2004, pp. 570-589. £¨Impact factor in 2004 was 1.365£©
11) Xinyin Chen; Zappulla, Carla; Lo Coco, Alida; Schneider, Barry; Kaspar, Violet; De Oliveira, Ana Maria; Yunfeng He; Dan Li; Boshu Li; Bergeron, Natasha; Hennis Chi-Hang Tse, Natasha; DeSouza, Amanda. (2004). Self-perceptions of competence in Brazilian, Canadian, Chinese and Italian children: Relations with social and school adjustment. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 28(2), 129-138. (Impact factor in 2002 was 1.026.)
12) Chen, Xinyin; Chang, Lei; He, Yunfeng; Liu, Hongyun. (2005). The Peer Group as a Context: Moderating Effects on Relations Between Maternal Parenting and Social and School Adjustment in Chinese Children. Child Development. Vol 76(2), Mar 2005, pp. 417-434. £¨Impact factor in 2004 was 3.278£©
13) Chen, Xinyin; Cen, Guozhen; Li, Dan; He, Yunfeng. (2005). Social Functioning and Adjustment in Chinese Children: The Imprint of Historical Time. Child Development. Vol 76(1), Jan 2005, pp. 182-195. £¨Impact factor in 2004 was 3.278£©
14) Xinyin Chen & Yunfeng He. (2005). The Family in Mainland China: Structure, Organization, and Significance for Child Development. In Jaipaul L. Roopnarine and Uwe P. Gielen (eds). Families in Global Perspective. USA: Allyn & Bacon.
15) He, Yunfeng (2006). How did modern scientific psychology terminate traditional epistemology? Journal of Shanghai Teachers University (Social Sciences Edition). (3), pp. 1-6.
16) Xinyin Chen, Lei Chang, Hongyun Liu, & Yunfeng He (2008). Effects of the Peer Group on the Development of Social Functioning and Academic Achievement: A Longitudinal Study in Chinese Children. Child Development. 79(2), pp. 235-251.