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时间:2008/4/3 14:20:32,点击:0

乐爱国(厦门大学 哲学系,福建 厦门 361005)

摘要: 在古代历法的发展过程中,《周易》起了积极的作用,而且这种作用在不同时期有着不同的特征。早期主要表现为用易数解释历数,这种作用在唐以后逐渐消失;“卦气说”曾在一段时期内被作为历法的内容;而《周易》的“治历明时”思想对于历法研究一直起着积极的作用,成为重要的治历原则之一。无论如何,《周易》对于古代历法发展的作用是不可低估的。
关键词: 周易;易数;历法;历数;卦气说

The Effect of Zhouyi on Ancient Chinese Calendar

Le Ai-guo
( Department of Philosophy, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005 , Fujian, China.)

Abstract:In the development of ancient Chinese calendar, Zhouyi played an important role, which were various in different times. In the early time, ancient calendar-makers explained constant of calendar with the numeral of Zhouyi, which disappear gradually after Tang dynasty.  The theory of Gua Qi was regarded as a part of calendar in a period. The thought of Zhouyi about making calendar for exact time was principia in making calendar. In any case, the positive effect of Zhouyi on ancient calendar is incontestable.
Key words:Zhouyi;numeral of Zhouyi;calendar;constant of calendar;theory of Gua Qi.
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