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White “Social Justice” Principals as “Racists:” Negotiating Identity and Developing Strategies
时间:2009/1/21 9:12:44,点击:0

This paper addresses the experience of white “social justice” principals as they negotiate being seen as “racists.” Using data from a larger narrative-based qualitative study of ten white “social justice” principals who serve in schools with at least 75% students of color, this paper addresses the following questions: 1) How do participants report being positioned as “racist” in their work? 2) When seen as “racist,” how do participants describe their responses? 3) What strategies assist the negotiation of their identity as white “social justice” leaders when being positioned as racist? Seven out of ten participants reported being called racist. Findings report the context, participants’ response, and participants’ strategies surrounding these incidents. Implications for preparation and professional development of white school leaders are discussed.

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