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Piaget Studycumputer is called intelligent? 2008/8/20 22:40:47
Piaget StudyPiagetian approaches to artificial intelligence 2008/8/20 22:40:03
Piaget StudyIntelligence and computational basis 2008/8/20 22:39:14
Piaget StudyThe definition of intelligence 2008/8/20 22:38:33
Piaget StudyReferences related to AI and Piaget 2008/8/20 22:36:49
Piaget StudyPiaget, AI & history 2008/8/20 22:28:29
Piaget StudyReferences for perspective development 2008/8/20 22:27:41
Piaget StudyBlind persons and perspective development 2008/8/20 22:26:55
Peer RelationsThe Peer Group as a Moderator of Associations between Individual Academic Achievement 2008/8/20 22:23:58
Peer RelationsRelations between Academic Achievement and Social Functioning at the Group Level 2008/8/20 22:22:20
Peer RelationsAcademic Achievement as a Group Norm 2008/8/20 22:21:32
Peer RelationsPeer Groups and Social and School Adjustment 2008/8/20 22:20:19
Peer RelationsPeer Group as a Context 2008/8/20 22:19:30
Style StudiesStyle studies and the Cold War 2008/8/20 16:30:49
Style StudiesThe history of style studies 2008/8/20 16:29:59
Style StudiesWhat is style? 2008/8/20 16:28:34
Whos WhoResearch Outputs of Prof. HE Yunfeng in Philosophy (10 selected items only) 2008/8/20 16:25:05
Whos WhoResearch Outputs of Prof. HE Yunfeng in Psychology (main items) 2008/8/20 16:22:46
Whos WhoResearch Projects Taken by Prof. HE Yunfeng 2008/8/20 16:20:39
Whos WhoMemberships of Prof. HE Yunfeng 2008/8/20 16:17:48
Whos WhoHonors and awards gained by Prof. HE Yunfeng 2008/8/20 16:14:17
Whos WhoResearch interests of Prof. HE Yunfeng 2008/8/20 16:12:05
Whos WhoValuable Experiences with Editing Conference Proceedings 2008/8/20 16:09:45
Whos WhoWho is Prof. Yunfeng He 2008/8/20 16:08:44
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