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Research Projects Taken by Prof. HE Yunfeng
时间:2008/8/20 16:20:39,点击:0


More than 10 research projects have been granted with research foundations hosted by the National Department of Education as well as Shanghai Education Department, Shanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences Research Foundations, and so on. The following items were granted in the past years.

1. 2008 - 2011 Intellectual Styles and University Outcomes (Co­investigator), Small Project Funding, Hong Kong University.
2. 2007 - 2010 Survey on University Students’ Thinking Styles and Social Behaviors, granted by Small Project Funding for Oversea Chinese Scholars, National Department of Personnel.
3. 2006 - 2009 University Students’ Stylistic Development, granted by Shanghai Normal University.
4. 2004 – 2003 The correlations of University Students’ Personal Interests with their Thinking Styles, granted by Sik Sik Yuen Education Research Fund, Hong Kong U.
5. 2003 – 2002 Thinking Styles and University Students’ Academic Achievement, granted by Sik Sik Yuen Education Research Fund, Hong Kong U.
6. 2003 – 1999 A Follow-up Study on Social Relationships for Children (Chinese Part), in cooperation with the Department of Psychology, Western Ontario U, Canada.
7. 2001 – 1999 A Study on Evolutionary Epistemology, granted by the National Department of Education, China.
8. 2000-2002 Evolutionary epistemology and knowledge society, granted by Shanghai Education Department, China.
9. 1999-2001 Evolutionary epistemology, granted by the National Department of Education, China.
10. 1995-1998 The changes in today's Chinese social psychological modes, granted by Shanghai Planning Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences, China.

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