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Style StudiesFuture directions in the relationship between intellectual styles and academic achievement 2011/5/4 22:18:03
Style StudiesControversial issues about the relationship between intellectual styles and academic achievement 2011/5/4 22:17:08
Style StudiesSternberg (1997) thinking styles and academic achievement 2011/5/4 22:15:16
Style StudiesRiding and Cheema (1991) cognitive styles and academic achievement 2011/5/4 22:14:13
Style StudiesGregorc (1979) mind styles and academic achievement 2011/5/4 22:13:04
Style StudiesKolb (1976) learning styles and academic achievement 2011/5/4 22:12:15
Style StudiesBiggs (1978) learning approaches and academic achievement 2011/5/4 22:11:14
Style StudiesGuilford (1967) divergent-convergent thinking and academic achievement 2011/5/4 22:10:20
Style StudiesKagan (1966) reflective and impulsive styles and academic achievement 2011/5/4 22:09:21
Style StudiesWitkin (1962) field dependence/independence (FDI) and academic achievement 2011/5/4 22:04:43
Style StudiesIntellectual Styles and Academic Achievement 2011/5/4 22:01:38
Style StudiesMatching Teaching Style to Learning Style May Not Help Students 2010/12/23 23:40:38
Style StudiesTest Your Own Thinking Style: 2009/2/20 20:17:52
Style StudiesFour Types Of Thinking Style 2009/2/20 20:15:45
Style StudiesAn Introduction to THINKING STYLES 2009/2/15 16:34:14
Style StudiesThinking Styles and Depression 2009/2/15 16:32:49
Style StudiesI Think I am, Therefore ......An Inquiry into the Thinking Styles of IT Executives and Profession 2009/2/15 16:25:51
Style StudiesStyle studies and the Cold War 2008/8/20 16:30:49
Style StudiesThe history of style studies 2008/8/20 16:29:59
Style StudiesWhat is style? 2008/8/20 16:28:34
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