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招聘:Postdoctoral Research position at the Temple In
时间:2015/4/20 20:19:44,点击:0

The Temple University Infant and Child Laboratory at Ambler is looking for a post-doctoral fellow for Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek’s IES-funded collaborative study between Temple University and University of Delaware. The position has a 2-year minimum, with the possibility of extending to 3 years. The project investigates preschool spatial skills training, examining various strategies for teaching spatial skills and comparing delivery of those strategies in concrete versus digital formats.

As the project manager, the post-doctoral fellow will be expected to participate at all levels of the project. The responsibilities include:
*Stimuli design and creation
*Data collection at preschool sites
*Training and supervision of undergraduate and graduate RAs and other project staff
*Data coding and analysis
*Write-up and dissemination of results for internal reports and peer-reviewed publications
*Presentation of findings in national and international conferences
*Research grants administration and accounting

Required qualifications:
*Ph.D. in Psychology, Education or related field
*Experience working with young children in research/preschool settings
*Computer skills and proficiency with MS Office
*Ability to travel to off-site locations that may not be accessible by public transportation

Preferred qualifications:
*Experience with early childhood intervention projects
*Training in early cognitive development with an emphasis on spatial learning
*Excellent interpersonal, leadership, writing, and organizational skills
*Ability to interact with a diverse population of participants
*Proficiency with SPSS, SAS, and/or R
*Experience managing grants a plus

If interested, please send a resume/CV, cover letter and research statement to Kate Margulis, Lab Coordinator, at ksmargulis@temple.edu . Applications will be accepted until the position has been filled. Please visit our website (www.temple.edu/infantlab ) for more information about the lab.

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