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征文:CHILD DEVELOPMENT: Call for Papers
时间:2014/7/5 9:07:44,点击:0

Discrimination, Social Exclusion, and Intergroup Attitudes: Equity and Justice in Developmental Science
Guest Editors: Melanie Killen (University of Maryland), Adam Rutland (Goldsmiths, University of London) and Tiffany Yip (Fordham University)

Child Development invites manuscripts for a Special Section on “Discrimination, Social Exclusion, and Intergroup Attitudes: Equity and Justice in Developmental Science.
Children who experience discrimination and social exclusion are denied equal and fair treatment in a variety of settings including peer groups, schools, and neighborhoods. This special section is devoted to revealing the factors that serve as obstacles to promoting equity and justice in children’s lives and the developmental processes that ensue. Examples of topics that would fall under this topic include, but are not limited to, children’s experiences of, and social cognition about inequality, unfair treatment and discrimination; relationships between intergroup attitudes and exclusion; implicit bias and peer relationships; teacher and parent sources of influence on children’s bias; social exclusion and perceptions of discrimination; moral cognition and prejudicial attitudes; school environments and social inequity.

This topic is a global one and one goal of this special section is to have an international perspective. We invite submissions from across a number of areas (e.g., prejudice, discrimination and stress, intergroup attitudes and bias, social inequalities and social status; others’ welfare and rights). We are interested in any group membership that has been studied with respect to discrimination, social exclusion, and intergroup attitudes, for example, ethnicity, race, social class, immigrant/refugee status, gender, culture, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, and the intersection of more than one of the above categories. We encourage submissions from multiple disciplines of developmental science to reflect the field’s movement towards interdisciplinary science as well as one that provides an international perspective.

Authors who plan to submit a manuscript for the special section are asked to submit a letter of intent (LOI) by September 15, 2014, that includes: 1) tentative title; 2) contact information and corresponding author; 3) names and affiliations of anticipated authors; 4) brief description (500 words or less); and 5) a brief explanation (2 sentences) of the perceived fit between the submission and the themes described. The guest editors will review letters of intent for fit with the section and work to provide the broadest representation of high-quality papers. Letters of intent should be sent electronically as Word documents to cdev@srcd.org.  In the accompanying email, please include “Special Section on Discrimination, Social Exclusion, and Intergroup Attitudes.” Following a review of received letters (roughly 1 month), potential contributors will be contacted to submit full manuscripts by the final deadline of January 15, 2015.

Full manuscripts will be subjected to full peer review, to be conducted via Child Development's submission site (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/childdev ). Questions concerning the substance of submissions should be directed to Melanie Killen (mkillen@umd.edu ), Adam Rutland (a.rutland@gold.ac.uk) or Tiffany Yip (tyip@fordham.edu ); questions concerning the submission process should be directed to the Managing Editor at cdev@srcd.org.

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