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招聘:Department Chair – Human Development and Family Studies
时间:2010/10/7 22:27:59,点击:0

Department Chair – Human Development and Family Studies
University of North Carolina at Greensboro

The Department of Human Development & Family Studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (www.uncg.edu/hdf) is seeking an outstanding scholar and academic leader for the position of department chair and professor beginning on or after July 1, 2011. Candidates must have an earned doctorate in HDFS or a closely related field and an established record of achievement in publication, external grant funding, teaching, and academic administration. We are seeking a chair who can provide strong intellectual, creative, and administrative leadership; has a collegial and inclusive leadership style; is able to represent the department effectively with colleagues in other disciplines as well as in the community and nationally; and will contribute to the department’s national reputation.  The area of research focus is open; we are seeking a candidate who can enhance the department’s existing strengths in the study of human development and family processes in sociocultural context, child development from infancy through adolescence, lifespan development, family relationships and family diversity, or early childhood education. This is a 12-month position with an initial term of four years.

Applicants are asked to submit a vita with a letter describing their qualifications and interest in the position, a description of their research program and their approach to the responsibilities of a department chair, and contact information for four references. Electronic submission is preferred and can be directed to Ms Eileen Kane (e_kane@uncg.edu). Inquiries and nominations should be sent to the search committee chair, Marion O’Brien at m_obrien@uncg.edu.  Review of applications will begin January 10, 2011, and continue until the position is filled.

UNCG is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. Thus, we seek to attract a diverse applicant pool, including women, members of minority groups, and individuals with disabilities.

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