1st International Conference on Art in Response to Violence
Date: September 30-October 1, 2010
Location: Northeastern Illinois University Chicago, IL
Join us for this interdisciplinary conference that will reflect on ways that visual art and art making express, communicate and document violence in its many forms. T hrough art exhibits, paper presentations and workshops, participants will address the influences and effects of visual art to address violence.
This two-day conference is open to professionals and students across disciplines and practice. From the opening ceremony, which welcomes all and acknowledges the lands and peoples affected by violence, to the closing plenary session on drawing conclusions about using art in response to violence there will be time for interaction and reflection. Visual art and art making can lead to peaceful solutions. This conference promises to be an exciting learning opportunity for all who attend.
Presentation format options:
Paper presentation
Standard paper presentation based on research, clinical or field experience with one or more people presenting their work to a large group. (50 minutes).
Panel discussion
Group presentation around a theme with contributions from all panel members, time for interaction among panelists, and dialogue with participants around a the conference theme of art in response to violence. (50 minutes).
Creativ e Activity Workshop
A planned workshop that is designed to involved participants in some aspect of the conference theme of art in response to violence. (60 minutes or 120 minutes).
Art Exhibit
Display of work that is centered on the conference theme and may include a collection or a single piece centered on the conference theme of art in response to violence
Proposal guide lines:
Regardless of the type of presentation proposed, it should be clear to the reviewers how the work is relevant to art and violence. Y ou will need to submit a 200 word proposal and a 75 word bio for each presenter.
Topics may include
Art in Social Justice • M ilitary Violence
Art and P eace • Interpersonal Violence
Social Violence • Cultural Presentations (e.g. S torytelling)
Process and criteria for review
All proposals will undergo a review process by at least two reviewers whose ratings and comments will be considered in the final selection of conference
Time line for submission and review
Submission due date July 6, 2010
Notification date July 20, 2010
For detailed submission information, please go to http://arv.neiu.edu
Conference Organizers:
Nan G iblin (Chair, Counselor Education, Northeastern Illinois University) • Nancy S later (Director, Art Therapy Program, Adler School) • Mark M cKernin (Chair, Art Dept, Northeastern Illinois University) • Saba A yman-Nolley (Chair, Dept of Psychology, Illinois University) • Michele K ane (Coordinator, Gifted Education Program, Northeastern Illinois University)