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会议征文:International Conference on Intersubjectivity and the Self
时间:2010/4/15 10:29:32,点击:0
DISCOS: International Conference on Intersubjectivity and the Self
Budapest, 17-19 June, 2010
During the last decade, philosophical, psychological and neurobiological approaches to the self have increasingly overcome their disciplinary constraints and entered into a productive dialogue. Different levels of self-awareness such as the ‘core’ or ‘minimal self’ and the ’extended’ or ’narrative self’ have been distinguished and investigated from a phenomenological, developmental and neurocognitive perspective. In this context, disorders of self-experience have also attracted growing attention. This integrative and interdisciplinary approach is well represented by the European Marie-Curie Research Training Network entitled “Disorders and Coherence of the Embodied Self” (DISCOS), a consortium of 10 European research facilities which organizes this present conference.
The aim of the conference is to create an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas on the themes of intersubjectivity, self-awareness and its disorders. Special emphasis will be placed on the interplay of biological and social factors that are crucially important for establishing self-coherence, assuming that intersubjectivity and the development of the self are inherently related. Thus, exploring the self from different perspectives will elucidate and enrich our understanding of the mechanisms underlying intersubjectivity and self-other differentiation.
Further information on the DISCOS project:  www.discos-rtn.eu
Main Speakers of the Conference
Developmental Science - Renée Baillargeon, Hannes Rakoczy, Gyorgy Gergely
Neuroscience – Julie Grezes, Gergely Csibra, Kai Vogeley
Philosophy – Shaun Gallagher, Dan Zahavi, Pierre Jacob
Psychiatry – Efrain Bleiberg, Elliot Jurist, Josef Parnas/Andrea Raballo, Thomas Fuchs/Hanne De Jaegher
Organisers: Gyorgy Gergely, Agnes Kovacs, Erno Teglas, Andrea Schrok
Venue: Hotel President, Budapest
Contact: gergelygy@ceu.hu  (scientific issues),  schroka@ceu.hu  (program issues)
Abstract submission is now open!
Further conference information: www.discos-2010.com
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