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国际会议:CFP: Cheiron 2010 in Syracuse, NY
时间:2009/8/12 19:58:49,点击:0



Cheiron:  The International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences
42nd Annual Meeting, June 24-27, 2010  at Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY
Papers, posters, symposia, or workshops may deal with any aspect of the history of the behavioral and social sciences or related historiographical and methodological issues.  All submissions must conform to the length limitations listed below (references, tables, etc. may be appended).  To facilitate blind review, please include a cover sheet indicating:  a) title; b) author¹s name and affiliation; c) author¹s address and phone number; and d) audio/visual needs.

All submissions must be received by 5pm CST on January 15, 2009 2010 [thanks Ryan Hunt!). Authors are strongly encouraged to send submissions electronically as attachments (.doc or .rtf), although three printed copies of a submission may be sent by post to the address below.
Papers:  Submit a completed paper (7-8 double-spaced pages plus a short
abstract), or a 700-800 word abstract plus short bibliography. Papers should
be original, i.e., not previously presented at other conferences.

Posters:  Submit a 300-400 word abstract.

Symposia:  Submit a 250-300 word abstract describing the symposium as a
whole, and a 500-700 word abstract plus short bibliography from each of the
participants.  A cover letter should include the names and institutional
affiliations of each of the participants, which should not be revealed in
the abstracts.

Workshops: Contact the program chair (gsullivan@ccccd.edu).

Student Travel Awards:  Available to help defray travel expenses of students
who present papers and posters.  Please indicate if you are a student and
wish to be considered for an award.

Program submissions should be sent to: Jerry Sullivan at
gsullivan@ccccd.edu. <mailto:gsullivan@ccccd.edu.>  (N.B. gsullivan)

If necessary, they may be sent by regular mail to Jerry Sullivan at:

Collin College
2800 E. Spring Creek Parkway
Plano, TX 75074

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