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国际会议信息:2010 SRA Call for Submissions
时间:2009/5/28 13:17:25,点击:0

Submission Deadlines: Posters: August 14, 2009
All Other Formats: August 21, 2009

Submission Website: http://www.s-r-a.org/submissions2010/

The SRA Executive Council and Program Committee invite submissions for the 13th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) to be held at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown Hotel, March 11-13, 2010. Meeting sessions will begin at 8:00 AM on Thursday and end at 5:45 PM on Saturday. Preconference sessions will be held on Wednesday, March 10. Persons with an interest in adolescence, whatever their discipline, are encouraged to submit. Empirical, theoretical, historical, and methodological submissions related to adolescence are welcome. We also welcome student--graduate and undergraduate--submissions. The Program Committee and the Executive Council of SRA strongly advocate the interdisciplinary and international character of the Society through its Biennial Meetings. For more information about SRA and the 13th Biennial Meeting, please visit our website: www.s-r-a.org.

SRA normally does not accept submitted material which was presented or will be presented elsewhere. Exceptions may be made in cases where SRA members have not had access to the information. A submitter of such a presentation should provide justification in an email message to the program office (tetucker@s-r-a.org) prior to submission.

Entering Data Into the Submission Website
It is essential to recognize that what you enter for your submission is what will appear in the printed program book and in the online program schedule.

For the purposes of uniquely identifying each person included on your submission and communicating the decision status of the submission, it is imperative that you enter a complete, formal name (e.g., Samuel T. Jones; H. Harrison Smith-Barton), current email address, and affiliation for each person.
Use mixed case (upper-case for the first letter of all words with 4 or more letters) and appropriate punctuation in your titles.
Run a spell- and grammar-check in your word-processor before uploading integrative and summary files to the submission website.
To protect the anonymity of the review process, for integrative statements and summaries produced in MS Word and WordPerfect, click on the Tools menu, then on Options, and then on the Security tab; check "Remove personal information from file properties on save."
Be sure to save a final copy of your edited document before uploading your file to the submission website: Accept all changes and turn the "track changes" tool off.
Individual requests regarding scheduling are very difficult to accommodate due to complex scheduling procedures. However, at the time of submission, a request may be made in the "Notes" field on the submission website for a day or days on which not to be scheduled. Please include the reason for your special time request, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs in our scheduling process. However, we cannot guarantee that your request will be honored.
After you finalize your submission, no changes may be made.
Author Information Verification Process
It is extremely important that you enter a full name, affiliation, and email address for every person included on your submission. This information uniquely identifies authors throughout the submitting and review process and ensures that our email communication reaches them.

Approximately 3 weeks following the final submission deadline, every person on all submissions will receive an email message requesting that they update and verify their contact information.
International Young Scholars Program
Individuals on accepted submissions who attend the SRA Biennial Meeting are eligible to apply for these travel funds. Recipients of travel grants must be citizens and residents of Central or Eastern Europe, Russia, or a developing country as defined by United Nations' criteria. Grants are typically made to scholars who have received their Ph.D. degrees or equivalents within the past seven years. Qualified individuals may apply for this award during the Author Information Verification Process (see above).

2010 Submission Rules

Number of Submissions:
2009 SRA MEMBERS may submit 3 presenting roles.
NONMEMBERS may submit 2 presenting roles.

Presenting Roles, Defined
Chair 1 or Chair 2 of a Symposium (see Student Poster Symposium for exception)
Discussant for a Symposium (see Student Poster Symposium for exception)
Author 1 of a Poster
Author 1 of a Paper/Poster Symposium Presentation
Panelist in a Roundtable Discussion Symposium or Memorial Panel Discussion

Additional Considerations:
Only presenting roles will be protected from schedule conflicts.
There may be up to 10 authors per paper or poster.
Multiple presenting roles for an individual in the same submission count as one presenting role.
Membership status: SRA Membership is not required to submit. However, to comply with the number of submissions for a member, your membership must be current for 2009.
Renew my membership / Join SRA

Review Criteria for All Submission Formats
Sufficient empirical data, coded and analyzed even if not yet complete, must be included in your summary to provide a basis for evaluation of your submission. Each submission will be evaluated by at least two members of either your first- or second-choice review panel. If two ratings of a submission differ appreciably, the panel chair also will rate the submission. Submissions are reviewed according to the following criteria:

Clarity of formulation/conceptualization;
Adequacy of methods;
Appropriateness of interpretations;
Importance of topic; and
For multi-presenter formats: Cohesion among presentations, relevance of presentations to the topic, and expression of different views.
Inclusion of an element/elements of the Strategic Plan also will be an important consideration when choosing among submissions with equivalent scientific merit. Specifically, these elements include multidisciplinary, international, and cultural/contextual research.
Submissions may be denied review if:
Author names or other identifying material, including grant support, are part of the integrative statement or summary for symposia or posters.
The integrative statement or summary exceeds the stated maximum number of pages.
Material is submitted in two formats, e.g., both as a poster and a symposium presentation.
Your summary lacks sufficient data--coded and analyzed, even if not yet complete--to provide a basis for reviewer evaluation.
Material was presented elsewhere and prior permission was not requested and granted to submit for this meeting.
Submission Rules and procedures were not properly followed.
For Accepted Submissions
NEW: Integrative Statements (not summaries) for accepted symposia will be viewable in the online program schedule.
The material presented at the meeting must substantively match that described in the summary submitted for review.
Completion of an online submission that is accepted is considered an agreement to present the submitted work in the specified format at its scheduled time.
NEW & IMPORTANT: After you finalize your submission, no changes may be made. The information you enter and finalize online at the time of submission is what will be included in the printed program book and online program schedule if your submission is accepted for presentation. Follow submitting instructions carefully!
Submission Formats
View or print only the pages you need.

Paper Symposium
Poster Symposium
Student Poster Symposium
Roundtable Panel Discussion
Memorial Panel Discussion

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