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招聘:academic job in Iraq for out of work neo-cons
时间:2009/1/31 19:02:00,点击:0

The American University of Iraq-Sulaimani is a private, nonprofit, English language, equal-opportunity institution for higher education, dedicated to the promotion of the principles of free market economics, freedom of academic thought and expression, and the democratic way of life. AUI-S is located in the city of Sulaimani in the Kurdistan Region, with a tolerant and welcoming environment, security, and growing economy. AUI-S is now seeking professors of Business to teach Management, Finance, and Accounting in both our BBA and MBA programs starting March 1st 2009, the beginning of our spring semester.

Essential Job Specifications:

  • MA or Ph.D. from an accredited institution of higher education in the discipline for which you are applying.
  • At least three years of teaching experience at the postsecondary level.
  • Professional/industry experience related to the preferred discipline.
  • Fluency in spoken and written English is a must.

To apply, attach your CV and cover letter in Microsoft Word (.doc or .rtf) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format and e-mail to: recruitment@auis.org.

More ads: http://chronicle.com/jobs/id.php?id=0000590638-01&pg=s&cc

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