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会议资助:The Jean Piaget Society announces the Pufall Travel Awards
时间:2009/1/19 8:40:03,点击:0

Owed to a remarkably generous gift by the family of Peter Pufall, the Jean Piaget Society is pleased to announce the establishment of the annual Pufall Travel Awards.

Consistent with Peter Pufall’s career-long commitment to students and young scholars, two types of travel awards are offered to support graduate students and recent graduates scheduled to present their work at our 2009 meeting in Park City, Utah:

The Pufall Graduate Student Travel Award — to support graduate students who are presenting at this year’s annual meeting

The Pufall Post Graduate Travel Award — to support young scholars (especially those located outside the US and Canada) presenting at our conference
To qualify for these awards, applicants must be the presenting author of an accepted paper, poster or symposium submission. Application forms for these awards will be included in notification letters sent to those whose submissions are accepted for presentation at our upcoming annual meeting.

All graduates and recent post-graduates are encouraged to apply. In keeping with the wishes of the Pufall family, however, we will work to ensure that at least one of these annual awards will be given to an applicant from outside the USA and Canada.

Pufall Travel Award winners will receive US$400 to help defray their travel costs and will be given complimentary registration for the annual meeting.

Pufall Graduate Student Travel Award. This award will be offered to presenters on accepted submissions who are enrolled (at the time of application) in a graduate training program.


Pufall Post Graduate Travel Award. This award will be offered to presenters on accepted submissions who received their Ph.D. (or equivalent, at the time of application) within the previous four years. Presenters who are citizens and residents of Latin American countries, Central or Eastern Europe, Russia, or a developing country as defined by United Nations criteria are especially encouraged to apply for these travel awards.

The Pufall Travel Awards are intended to help defray the costs of attending the JPS Annual Meeting. Receipt of the award is contingent upon the award winner attending and delivering a presentation at the Annual Meeting. The names of recipients will be published in the Annual Meeting Program and the awards will be presented to the recipients at the JPS Members’ Meeting held during the 2009 conference.

In cases where award recipients receive funding from other sources that will fully cover their travel expenses, the JPS requests that recipients inform the Treasurer in advance of the annual meeting in order to allow us reassign the Pufall Travel Award funding to other qualified applicants.

Application Process
Applicants must use the official application form (www.piaget.org/awards/)

The application must be accompanied by two attachments:
• A one (1) page cover letter describing your research interests and career plans
• A one (1) page summary of your publications and presentations to date.
  This brief Curriculum Vitae should contain only highlights of your work to date—please do not send your complete CV

The application should be submitted by e-mail (amaynard@hawaii.edu). If submitted by surface mail, one set of original application materials plus one additional collated copy of all materials should be sent to:
    Dr. Ashley Maynard
    Dept. of Psychology
    University of Hawaii
    2430 Campus Road
    Gartley #110
    Honolulu, HI 96822

At the Annual Meeting, each award recipient must submit a copy of their final presentation, and receipts for conference-related expenses totaling at least the amount of the award to the JPS Treasurer.
Pufall Travel Awards must be received by 15 February 2009.

You may submit your travel award application prior to receiving a notice of acceptance regarding your conference proposal. Awards will only be given to applicants whose proposals are accepted for presentation at our 2009 conference.

Notification of award decisions will be sent by e-mail to all applicants in March 2009.

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