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时间:2008/12/21 0:43:18,点击:0

Invitation to Contribute

CITE Research Symposium 2009

‘Learning Communities and Technology: The Next Ten Years’

5-7 March 2009 (Thursday to Saturday)

The University of Hong Kong

You are invited to participate in the CITE Research Symposium (CITERS) on 5-7 March 2009 (Thursday to Saturday), at the University of Hong Kong. In 2008 the Centre for Information Technology in Education celebrated its tenth anniversary. 2008 is also the tenth year since the launch of the First Strategy on Information Technology in Education and the year of release of the Third Strategy on Information Technology in Education in Hong Kong. Through these past 10 years, a lot of development, experimentation and research have been conducted, contributing to our deepened understanding of the potential roles of and the conditions for IT in improving education. In particular, the increasing interests in collaborative modes of learning as well as the emergence of social networking technology have made significant impacts on the theory and practice of education, globally and in Hong Kong. Accordingly, the theme of this year’s symposium is ‘Learning Communities and Technology: The Next Ten Years’.  The goal of the symposium is to discuss recent research, good educational practices, and new technologies, with a view to furthering research and practice that support learning and learning communities with IT.


The symposium’s main theme is ‘Learning Communities and Technology: The Next Ten Years’, which will be divided into several subthemes:

Web 2.0 and mobile technologies in learning

Librarianship, knowledge management, and information literacy

Good practices in technology use in schools, higher education, and the workplace

Knowledge building and computer-supported collaborative learning

Call for Contributions

Proposals are now invited from a wide range of practitioners including educational researchers, teachers, teacher educators, government officers, librarians, knowledge managers, and graduate students. All proposals should focus on one of the subthemes. There are five presentation formats:

* Symposia (group of presentations on a theme)
* Paper Presentations
* Workshops
* Demonstrations (teachers and students)
* Posters

Further details can be found on the web at http://citers2009.cite.hku.hk/. The deadline for submission of a title and a brief abstract in either Chinese or English is 16 January 2009.

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