Call for Papers
35th Conference of the Association for Moral Education (AME)
Cultivating Tolerance:
Moral Functioning and its Development
July 2 - 4, 2009
University Hall (Academiegebouw), Utrecht City Centre
Pre-conference program July 1, 2009
Deadline for Proposals: January 31, 2009
You can submit proposals for symposia, papers, posters and pre-conference workshops via the conference website:
Submissions are welcome from scholars across the many disciplines that contribute to the study and practice of moral education, including psychology, education, philosophy, sociology, cultural and childhood studies, among others. Plenary sessions and invited symposia will address the conference theme. We encourage individuals to submit proposals that address the conference theme, although it is not necessary to do so.
The Kohlberg Memorial Lecture will be held by Marinus van IJzendoorn, University of Leiden
We are looking forward to meeting you in Utrecht!
Program Planning Committee:
-Daniel Brugman, Developmental Psychology, Utrecht University, Chair.
-Jan Boom, Developmental Psychology, Utrecht University.
-Doret de Ruyter, Department of Theory and Research in Education, VU University Amsterdam.
-Bert Musschenga, Department of Philosophy, VU University Amsterdam.
-Wiel Veugelers, Graduate School for Teaching and Learning, University of Amsterdam and University for Humanistics, Utrecht.
-Cees Klaassen, Department of Sociology and Education, Radboud University, Nijmegen.
Submission Requirements
Submissions must be in English. All proposals must be submitted via the link on the conference website by January 31, 2009.
The first author will receive an acknowledgement of the submission by e-mail. All proposals will be reviewed by the Program Committee and Officers of the Association. The Program Committee plans to notify first authors of its decisions by March 7, 2009.
Guidelines for Submissions
Proposals must include the following information.
Choose the theme of your proposal.
State the title of your proposal
Full name, title and affiliation of the first author, along with complete mailing and contact address, including e-mail address and phone number.
Provide an abstract of up to 100 words. This will be printed in the conference book.
For review purposes, provide a 500-word summary of your paper or poster. For symposium submissions, provide an abstract and a 250 word rationale for the symposium as a whole and subsequently the abstract and summary of each individual paper.
Select the preferred format for your presentation:
Paper Presentation (These are individually submitted proposals that will be grouped thematically by the Program Committee for 75 minute sessions. The Program Committee will assign a chair for these sessions).
Paper Symposium (Symposium proposals include 3 to 4 thematically organized papers, and a symposium chair, typically the organizer. Discussants are optional but discouraged if it precludes interactions with audience members, and especially if the symposium has 4 presentations).
Poster Presentation
Pre-conference workshop or meeting (These workshops and meetings include instruction and training in different kinds of programs and measures for moral development and moral education. Length varies between 4-8 hrs. Please contact us by e-mail ( before submitting a proposal.)
Full name, title and affiliation of all authors (in case of a symposium) and co-authors, including complete mailing address and contact information, including e-mail address and phone number.
Provide four keywords to index your presentation
All proposals must be submitted via the link on the conference website by January 31, 2009.