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Senior Developmental position at UC Merced
时间:2008/12/7 0:06:15,点击:0

The School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts at the University of California, Merced invites applications from distinguished scholars and teachers at the Full and Associate Professor (tenured) levels in Developmental Psychology. Research focus within this area is open. Selected applicants may also be eligible for an endowed chair with a focus on basic or applied research into learning disabilities, broadly defined. This is a unique opportunity to join a growing faculty in psychology at a new University of California campus, and to contribute to long-term program building. We are currently focusing on building excellence in developmental psychology, quantitative methods, and health psychology/ behavioral medicine.

The University of California at Merced is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty, staff, and students. The University is supportive of dual career couples.
The University of California is creating a dynamic new university campus and campus community in Merced, California, which opened in September 2005 as the tenth campus of the University of California and the first American research university built in the 21st century. In keeping with the mission of the University to provide teaching, research and public service of the highest quality, UC Merced provides new educational opportunities at the undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels through three academic schools: Engineering, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences/Humanities/Arts.

Merced is a pleasant community of abut 80,000 located in the rapidly developing and multi-ethnic Central Valley of California, within view of the Sierra Nevada mountains. It is about an hour to the Sierra Mountains and two hours to Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Jose, Berkeley and Sacramento.

Michelle M. Chouinard, Ph.D
Asst. Professor of Psychology, & Founding Faculty Member
University of California, Merced
'What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.'  --Albert Pike

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