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Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Science at Simon Fraser University
时间:2008/12/7 0:04:56,点击:0

Faculty Positions:
The Cognitive Science Program at Simon Fraser University (SFU) invites applications for a tenured (full professor) Tier 1 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Cognitive Science. Deadline for application is January 30, 2009.

Cognitive Science Program
Loca ted:
Robert C Brown Hall, 8115
Simon Fraser University
ma il ing a ddre ss
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC Canada
V5A 1S6
September 10, 2008

Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Science
Spring 2009

The Cognitive Science Program (http://www.sfu.ca/cognitive-science) at
Simon Fraser University (SFU) invites applications for a tenured (full
professor) Tier 1 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Cognitive Science. SFU
is located in the metropolitan Vancouver area, having a vibrant and diverse
student body from more than 100 countries, and is consistently ranked as
one of the top universities in the country. Vancouver is rated as one of the
most livable cities in the world. The CRC Program is supported by the
Government of Canada and was established to enable Canadian
universities to achieve the highest levels of research excellence.
Information about the program may be found at http://www.chairs.gc.ca.
Tier 1 CRC Chairs are for researchers who are "recognized as leaders in
their fields" and are expected to attract excellent students and
researchers as part of an "innovative research program of the highest
quality". The seven year term of the CRC is renewable.
It is anticipated that the successful candidate would take up the position
early in 2010. A Ph.D. in Cognitive Science, or in Computing Science,
Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology or related area is required, with a
strong commitment to excellence in research and teaching. Area of
specialization must be such that Linguistics, Philosophy or Psychology
fit as the home department. Preference will be given to candidates in
interdisciplinary areas. However, the overall innovation and promise of
the candidate's work will be considered as important as any specific
The Cognitive Science Program at SFU (CogSci) started in the mid-1970s
as a small, elite program. Over the years, Cogsci has grown into a wellrespected
program, and with its recently completed external review, is
poised to play a larger role in the research and instructional environment
at SFU, and in the community. Through research and teaching, the
successful applicant will have the opportunity of inspiring and
mentoring culturally diverse undergraduates and graduates. The
Chairholder will help to develop our educational programming and
establish strong research programs that will contribute to the success of
the CogSci and its reputation for innovation and excellence.
CogSci seeks a scholar with outstanding research programs consistent
with the strategic research plan of SFU
(www.sfu.ca/vpresearch/SRP.html), which includes areas such as
human development, collaboration and visualization, who can
collaborate with the current interdisciplinary group of cognitive science
researchers conducting work in classification, human language
processing, learning, and reasoning. While applications from
researchers in all areas of cognitive science are encouraged, we seek an
individual with strong connections either to linguistics, philosophy or
psychology. The Chairholder will provide leadership within Cogsci in
conjunction with research conducted in the affiliated units. The primary
criterion for selection will be the excellence of the candidates.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. SFU is committed to
employment equity and encourages applications from all qualified
women and men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people and
persons with disabilities. Applications will be accepted until January 30,
2009. The position is subject to budgetary approval.
Under the authority of the University Act personal information that is
required by the University for academic appointment competitions will be
collected. For further details see the collection notice
To apply, send a curriculum vitae and evidence of research productivity,
and arrange for six letters of reference to be sent to: Faculty Search,
Cognitive Science Program, 8888 University Drive, Simon Fraser
University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, V5A 1S6.
We thank all applicants in advance for their interest, but only those
short-listed will be contacted.
Cogn i ti ve Sci en ce Program
Simon Fraser Un i versi ty
Bu rn aby, B.C.

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