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时间:2008/8/21 9:50:50,点击:0


For the students on this list, you may be interested to know that the "History and Theory of Psychology Students Network" has relaunched with a new website: www.yorku.ca/htnet/. It's still under construction, but all students with interests in the history and theory of psychology are encouraged to join and participate (and push the Piagetian agenda!).

If you're interested in joining, for free, contact your local campus representative....

    Brigham Young: Dennis Wendt, Jr., denniswendt@gmail.com
    Notre Dame: Cody Christopherson, cdchristopherson@gmail.com
    Simon Fraser: Stephanie McKenzie, sam12@sfu.ca
    U of Central Oklahoma: Kelly Vaughn-Blount, kelli@KELLISMIND.COM
    Calgary: Dane Burns, danetburns@hotmail.com
    York: Ryan Barnhart, yu289083@yorku.ca

As this list reflects, the network has recently been almost exclusively North American. However, since the Cheiron meeting in Dublin this past summer, the network has begun to expand globally. Thus: if you would like to join and there isn't a local rep in your area -- or if you would like to serve as a local rep -- email the HTNet executive at htnet@yorku.ca .

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上一篇: 皮亚杰研究会2008年6月在加拿大举行儿童发展..
下一篇: 美国心理学史协会2008年将在波士顿举行学术..
