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IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning 2007 Imperial College London, 11-13 July 2007


Development and Learning are fundamental properties of any cognitive system, whether natural or artificial, and have attracted the attention of psychologists, neuroscientists, roboticists and artificial intelligence researchers. The International Conference on Development and Learning strives to bring together this interdisciplinary audience to encourage understanding and cross-fertilization of ideas from the different disciplines. Now in its 6th year, ICDL 2007 will have the theme of "Assisting Development" to encourage participants to consider the application of their research to the conceptualization, design and implementation of systems that can assist development.

Topics of interest include (but are not restricted to):

* General Principles of Development and Learning in Humans and Robots
* Neural, Behavioral and Computational Plasticity
* Biologically Inspired Mental Architectures for Development
* Embodied Cognition: Foundations and Applications
* Social Development in Humans and Robots
* Language Development and Learning
* Dynamic Systems Approaches
* Emergence of Structures through Development
* Development of Perceptual and Motor Systems
* Models of Developmental Disorders
* Architectures and software/hardware platforms for assisting development.

Papers will be peer-reviewed by the international program committee, and will be judged on their originality, scientific rigor, and significance of the results. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings, published by IEEE Press, and available online on the IEEE Xplore digital library. Paper abstracts will also be indexed by euCognition. Accepted authors will be given the opportunity to submit related data and video demonstrations for inclusion on an accompanying DVD.

Call for Contributions

Papers are invited in any of the topics detailed above; submissions should follow the instructions on the conference webpage at http://www.icdl07.org

Important dates:

Please note that due to numerous requests, we have decided to extend the deadline for submissions of papers to the 2nd of April; this is now a firm deadline and will not be extended further.

Submissions deadline: April 2, 2007
Decisions to authors: May 11, 2007
Camera ready papers due: June 11, 2007
Conference: 11-13 July 2007

For further information, see www.icdl07.org or contact the organizers below:


Dr Yiannis Demiris
Department of EEE,
Imperial College London

Program chairs

Prof. Denis Mareschal
School of Psychology
Birkbeck College
University of London

Prof. Brian Scassellati
Dept. of Computer Science
Yale University

Prof. John Weng
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University weng@cse.msu.edu http://www.cse.msu.edu/~weng/

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