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Conference Theme: ICT as a Vehicle for Sustainable Development in Africa

Call for Participation

17 – 21 May 2006

Kenyatta, International Conference Centre (KICC)

Conference Theme: ICT as a Vehicle for Sustainable Development in Africa

ICTe Africa is a continental event for the presentation of technologies appropriate to development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Africa and for the discussion of a broad range of challenges and potential relevant solutions to ICT development in the continent.

The 2006 conference will feature presentations on next generation networks, ongoing and planned telecommunication infrastructure projects, Internet applications/solutions, rural telephony, ICT policies, and ICT financing and solar energy for powering rural networks. The event will also feature professional development courses in fiber optics, broadband access, VoIP and other emerging technologies.

By working in collaboration with Global Fairs TT-MESSE, NEPAD Kenya, Africa
Telecommunications Union (ATU), IEEE Communication Society (COMSOC), NEPAD Council expects to attract Industry leaders, policy makers, financiers, leading engineers and scientists from Africa and the rest of the world.

Plenary session key note speakers include:

1. Engineer John Waweru - Director General, Communication Commission of Kenya

2. Engineer James Rege - Former Permanent Secretary, Kenya Ministry of Information and Communication

3. Mr. Kai Wulff - Managing Director, Kenya Data Networks (Kenya)

4. Mr. Akossi Akossi - Secretary General, African Telecommunications Union (Africa)

5. Mr. Simon Olawo - Deputy Chief/Special Projects, EASSy Project (East Africa)

6. Dr. Tyrone Taborn - CEO, Career Communications (USA)

7. Dr. Don Keck – Senior Vice President (Retired), Corning Inc.

8. Mr. Alonso Aznar – Communication Advsor, UNESCO

To take advantage of our online early registration and save up to $100, please visit the registration site

For more information about the conference, kindly visit the conference website, http://www.nepadcouncil.org/ICTeAfrica2006, or contact the conference secretary.

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