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The Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2006 ----
Educational Research, Policy, and Practice in an Era of Globalization:
The Asia Pacific Perspectives and Beyond

The Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association Conference 2006 (APERA Conference 2006), organized by Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association, Hong Kong Institute of Education-APCELSQ and Hong Kong Education Research Association, together with 6 local universities as co-organizers and 6 international sponsors, will be held on 28-30 November 2006. The aim of the Conference is to contribute to vision creation, knowledge advancement, and policy-making in such a way that reform efforts and education practices for our students’ future in the new century can be rationalized, substantively and instrumentally.

You are warmly invited to participate in this exciting international event and submit proposals for paper presentations, symposiums, posters and pre-conference workshops.

For details of the Conference, please visit: http://www.ied.edu.hk/apera2006

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