1. 25-29 October 2004, Havana, Cuba 12th World Congress of Comparative Education Societies Theme: Education and Social Justice Website: http://12wcces.cujae.edu.cu/
2. 20-22 November 2004, Zhuhai Campus of Beijing Normal University 2004 Annual Conference of China Comparative Education Society (CCES) Theme: China's Educational Reform under Global Perspectives [translated from Chinese] Website: http://www.bnuep.com/gjjy/gjjy_tongzhi.htm[in Chinese]
3. 3-5 December 2004, Melbourne, Australia 32nd Annual Conference of Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society Theme: GLOBAL PEDAGOGIES: EQUITY, ACCESS AND DEMOCRACY IN EDUCATION Website: http://fehps.une.edu.au/anzcies/ANZCIESConf2004.html
4. 29 January 2005, Hong Kong 2005 Annual Conference of Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong Theme: Approaches and Strategies in Comparative Education Website: http://www.hku.hk/cerc/ceshk/