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International Professional Conference on Williams Syndrome Research
时间:2008/8/21 9:08:35,点击:0


International Professional Conference on Williams Syndrome Research July 13-14,2008. Hyatt Regency, Garden Grove, CA

This conference on Williams Syndrome represents a unique opportunity for scientists and clinicians in diverse disciplines to present data and learn about integrating approaches toward understanding the links among genes, brain structure and function, and behavior.

We are requesting abstracts to be submitted by researchers who can contribute to the growing body of research on Williams Syndrome.
Submissions are encouraged from diverse disciplines (please request flyer for more information from bellugi@salk.edu).

You are invited to submit abstracts for this exciting event!

ABSTRACT DEADLINE: 4:00pm PST on Friday, March 21, 2008. Submit Abstracts via email to IFISHMAN@salk.edu. with WSA Abstract in the subject line. Include a cover page listing abstract title, author(s) name(s) affiliation(s), and presenting author’s address, telephone number, fax, and email address. Please indicate whether platform or poster presentation is preferred. The abstract should include the title, statement of purpose, methods, results and discussion. Submissions must be formatted in Times 12- point font with no less than 1inch margins on all sides, single-spaced on one page. The Program Committee will review abstracts and acceptance notices will be emailed by 5/16/2008.

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